October 17, 2020
How convert String to Fixed wchar Array?

import std;

void main(){
    string name = "Marvin";
    wchar[255] wtext = name.to!(wchar[]); // Can not convert.
October 16, 2020
On 10/16/20 8:23 PM, Marcone wrote:
> How convert String to Fixed wchar Array?
> import std;
> void main(){
>      string name = "Marvin";
>      wchar[255] wtext = name.to!(wchar[]); // Can not convert.
>      writeln(wtext);
> }

void main()
    string name = "Marvin";
    wchar[255] wtext;
    import std.range;

    wchar[] buf = wtext[];
    put(buf, name);
    auto setLen = wtext.length - buf.length; // number of wchars set in wtext.
    writeln(wtext[0 .. setLen]);

A little bit of explanation: wchar[] is an output range that can accept any form of text. When you use `put` on it, it writes to it, AND shrinks from the front to allow remembering where it was. So at the end, buf is pointing at what is *left* in the buffer.

There may be better ways to do this, but this way will avoid any extra GC allocation.
