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Weird template instantiation problem
Jun 12, 2017
Jun 12, 2017
Jun 12, 2017
Jun 12, 2017
Jun 12, 2017
Jun 12, 2017
Jun 13, 2017
June 12, 2017

I've found a strange problem, and I'm not sure if it's a bug. To give a bit of background, I'm implementing a multi-threaded producer-consumer where the next work item to be picked depends not only on the "waiting queue", but also on what else is being run (and potentially where) at the same moment, so things like "sort"'ing the queue won't probably work, because I don't think you use a delegate as a predicate for "sort" (that's what I think it would be needed to get the extra context information).

The idea here is that the "chooser" function returns the *index* of the work item to be picked.

So, the reduced problem looks like this (I've removed the extra information about the running jobs to make the example simpler):

enum defaultChooser(T) = function size_t(T[] queue) {
	return 0;

struct S(T, size_t function(T[]) chooser = defaultChooser!T) {

void main() {
	S!int s;

this fails and I get this:

> Error: template instance S!int does not match template declaration S(T, ulong function(T[]) chooser = defaultChooser!T)

If instead of returning the index the actual item is returned, it works!

enum defaultChooser(T) = function T(T[] queue) {
	return queue[0];

struct S(T, T function(T[]) chooser = defaultChooser!T) {

void main() {
	S!int s;

As you can see, the only change is the type the function returns, but I don't see how it should make any difference.

Also, changing from "enum" to "static immutable", or even removing the "enum" and directly embedding the function literal doesn't seem to make any difference.

Any ideas on what might be going on??
June 12, 2017
On 06/12/2017 05:31 PM, Arafel wrote:
> Hi,
> I've found a strange problem, and I'm not sure if it's a bug. To give a bit of background, I'm implementing a multi-threaded producer-consumer where the next work item to be picked depends not only on the "waiting queue", but also on what else is being run (and potentially where) at the same moment, so things like "sort"'ing the queue won't probably work, because I don't think you use a delegate as a predicate for "sort" (that's what I think it would be needed to get the extra context information).
> The idea here is that the "chooser" function returns the *index* of the work item to be picked.
> So, the reduced problem looks like this (I've removed the extra information about the running jobs to make the example simpler):
> ```
> enum defaultChooser(T) = function size_t(T[] queue) {
>      return 0;
> };
> struct S(T, size_t function(T[]) chooser = defaultChooser!T) {
> }
> void main() {
>      S!int s;
> }
> ```
> this fails and I get this:
>> Error: template instance S!int does not match template declaration S(T, ulong function(T[]) chooser = defaultChooser!T)
> If instead of returning the index the actual item is returned, it works!
> ```
> enum defaultChooser(T) = function T(T[] queue) {
>      return queue[0];
> };
> struct S(T, T function(T[]) chooser = defaultChooser!T) {
> }
> void main() {
>      S!int s;
> }
> ```
> As you can see, the only change is the type the function returns, but I don't see how it should make any difference.
> Also, changing from "enum" to "static immutable", or even removing the "enum" and directly embedding the function literal doesn't seem to make any difference.
> Any ideas on what might be going on??

Even more strange:

enum defaultChooser(T) = function size_t(T[] queue) {
	return 0;

static assert (is (typeof(defaultChooser!int) == size_t function(int[] queue) pure nothrow @nogc @safe));

struct S(T, size_t function(T[] queue) pure nothrow @nogc @safe chooser) {

void main() {
	S!(int, defaultChooser!int) s;

The static assert passes (tried with the wrong values), yet I get this error message:

> Error: template instance S!(int, function ulong(int[] queue) => 0LU) does not match template declaration S(T, ulong function(T[] queue) pure nothrow @nogc @safe chooser) 

Am I missing something fundamental? But then, why does it work if I change the return type in the template parameter?
June 12, 2017
more funny compiler messages:

	alias xx = size_t function (int[]);
	struct S1(T, typeof(xx) X) {}
	void main() {
	  S1!(int, defaultChooser!int) s;

Error: type uint function(int[]) is not an expression


	struct S2(T, typeof(defaultChooser!T) chooser=defaultChooser!T) {}
	void main() {
	  S2!int s;

Error: undefined identifier T

error messages are totally random (and why `typeof()` is not allowed there?)
June 12, 2017
p.s.: while i understand the technical reason for second error message, it is still random and confusing.
June 12, 2017
On Monday, 12 June 2017 at 19:23:10 UTC, ketmar wrote:
> p.s.: while i understand the technical reason for second error message, it is still random and confusing.

I think the reason for the typeof problem is that it works with expressions, not with types (so, typeof (int) is also not valid), and the alias resolves ultimately to a type.

I actually found a workaround for the original issue:

enum defaultChooser(T) = function size_t(T[] queue) {
	return 0;

struct S(T, alias chooser = defaultChooser!int) if (is(typeof(chooser) : size_t function(T[]))) {

void main() {
	S!(int, defaultChooser!int) s;

This works, but strangely if I try "==" instead of ":" in the template condition, then it fails again. Honestly I don't know why it makes a difference, I guess attribute inference might be at fault... but in the version with the "static assert" I was explicitly checking them, and they apparently matched...

Also, this is just a(n ugly) workaround, and there might be side effects of using an alias parameter that I'm not aware of... and more importantly, I still think the original version should work! ;-)
June 12, 2017
Arafel wrote:

> I actually found a workaround for the original issue:

yeah, sorry for not proposing a workaround: i thought that you already did it, and now you're just interested why the original code doesn't work. ;-)

i think that this is a bug (or, rather, unimplemented feature).
June 13, 2017
Well, I had kind of found a workaround (changing the return type to return the element and not the index) which I didn't like too much (what if there are duplicates?).

Now that I've found a "proper" workaround.... well, I'm still interested in knowing the reason, if possible, or if it's a bug.

On 06/12/2017 09:49 PM, ketmar wrote:
> yeah, sorry for not proposing a workaround: i thought that you already did it, and now you're just interested why the original code doesn't work. ;-)
> i think that this is a bug (or, rather, unimplemented feature).

June 13, 2017
On 6/12/17 11:31 AM, Arafel wrote:

> As you can see, the only change is the type the function returns, but I
> don't see how it should make any difference.
> Also, changing from "enum" to "static immutable", or even removing the
> "enum" and directly embedding the function literal doesn't seem to make
> any difference.
> Any ideas on what might be going on??

Looks like a bug to me. Please file.
