May 07, 2017
I'm reworking my code to use UDAs, and I'm running into a wall of text of deprecation warnings when compiling.

import std.traits;


struct SomeUDA {}

void foo() {}

void bar() {}

void etc() {}


void main()
    mixin("static import thisModule = " ~ __MODULE__ ~ ";");

    foreach (symbol; getSymbolsByUDA!(thisModule, SomeUDA))
        static if (isSomeFunction!symbol)
            pragma(msg, symbol.stringof);

See for the output it gives. In the real code it's unmanageably many lines.

Is there any way to get rid of these warnings except by making everything public? Ideally I wouldn't want to copy the source of getSymbolsByUDA into each file doing this either.
May 08, 2017
Known issue:
