June 12, 2017
I was working around with regex trying to match certain patterns of repeating patterns before and after a space and I came across some unexpected behavior.

	writeln("ABC ABC CBA".replaceAll(regex(r"([A-Z]) ([A-Z])"), "D"));
	//Makes sense, replaces the 3 characters surrounding a space with a single D
	writeln("ABC ABC CBA".replaceAll(regex(r"([A-Z]) \1"), "D"));
	//Same idea, but this time only if the 2 surrounding letters are the same
	writeln("ABC ABC CBA".replaceAll(regex(r"([A-Z]+) \1"), "D"));
	//D CBA
	//Same idea again, but this time match any amount of characters as long as they are in the same order
	writeln("ABCABC ABC CBA".replaceAll(regex(r"([A-Z]+) \1"), "D"));
	//Hold on, shouldn't this be "ABCD CBA"?
	writeln("ABC ABCABC CBA".replaceAll(regex(r"([A-Z]+) \1"), "D"));
	//Works the other way

The problem I've come across is that the regex should be matching the largest portion of the subexpression that it can for both the first usage, but it is matching the most it can for its first reference without any care as to its future usage, making it only work if the entirety of the first word is contained at the start of the second, where it should work both ways.
Is there any gross hack I can do to get around this and  if this is for some reason intended behavior, why?