August 06, 2004
Following code outputs very strange results :)

class A
  this() { printf("A "); }
  ~this() { printf("~A "); throw new Exception("E"); }

void main()
    auto A a = new A();
    delete a; // (1)
  catch (Exception o)
    printf("%.*s ", o.toString());

After run, program outputs: "A ~A E ~A", i.e. A dtor is called twice.
If uncomment (1), output is "A ~A ~A ~A ... ~A", i.e. A dtor is called many-many times :)
August 06, 2004
Ilya Zaitseff
> Following code outputs very strange results :)
> class A
> {
>    this() { printf("A "); }
>    ~this() { printf("~A "); throw new Exception("E"); }
> }
> void main()
> {
>    try
>    {
>      auto A a = new A();
>      delete a; // (1)
>    }
>    catch (Exception o)
>    {
>      printf("%.*s ", o.toString());
>    }
> }
> After run, program outputs: "A ~A E ~A", i.e. A dtor is called twice. If uncomment (1), output is "A ~A ~A ~A ... ~A", i.e. A dtor is called many-many times :)

Under Linux the output is "A ~A E ~A" and "A ~A ~A Error: E" if (1) is

Note the strange difference between "E" and "Error: E" !