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Best way to manage non-memory resources in current D, ex: database handles.
Mar 08, 2017
Chad Joan
Mar 09, 2017
Adam D. Ruppe
Mar 09, 2017
Chad Joan
Mar 09, 2017
Mar 09, 2017
March 08, 2017
Hello all,

I intend to write a range that iterates over a non-memory resource.

Incase you want something more concrete:
I'll be using the Windows ODBC API and calling SQLFetch repeatedly on a statement handle allocated with SQLAllocHandle and deallocated with SQLFreeHandle.

But in general:
I want to call some function (ex: SQLAllocHandle) at the beginning of my range's lifetime and call another function (ex: SQLFreeHandle) at the end of my range's lifetime.  Unlike memory resources, reference cycles are unlikely (or impossible), and it is highly desirable to free the resource as soon as possible (deterministic allocation/deallocation).

What's the best way to implement such a range in current D?

It seems things have changed since back when I used D and we used the scope attribute on a variable or struct/class declaration to at least mostly fake it (with limitations, of course).

I'm seeing these possibilities so far:
1.) Use std.typecons's Unique or RefCounted templates.
2.) Put a deallocate() method on my range struct/class. Call it in a scope(exit) statement.
3.) Use a struct for my range. Put a deallocate() method. Call deallocate() from ~this().

Please let me know if there are other things in the current D ecosystem intended to solve this problem.

On what I've considered, I'll break my thoughts into sections.

=== (1) Use std.typecons's Unique or RefCounted templates. ===

Sorry if this one's long.  Skip it if you don't know how these are intended to be used.

------ Unique ------

The documentation states about Unique:
"Encapsulates unique ownership of a resource. Resource of type T is deleted at the end of the scope, unless it is transferred. The transfer can be explicit, by calling release, or implicit, when returning Unique from a function. The resource can be a polymorphic class object, in which case Unique behaves polymorphically too."

How does it "delete" the resource T?  What method does it call to tell T to deallocate itself?  When I look at the source, it looks like Unique calls destroy(_p), where _p is presumably the wrapped instance of T.

The documentation from the destroy function says this:
"Destroys the given object and puts it in an invalid state. It's used to destroy an object so that any cleanup which its destructor or finalizer does is done and so that it no longer references any other objects. It does not initiate a GC cycle or free any GC memory."

The destroy function doesn't mention what methods specifically will be executed on the target object, other than "destructor or finalizer".  I don't know what a finalizer is in D and cursory internet searching brings up nothing.  As for destructors, the docs say that "when the garbage collector calls a destructor for an object of a class that has members that are references to garbage collected objects, those references may no longer be valid."  (  I originally thought that the entire class contents would be invalid during destruction, but maybe we are lucky, maybe it is JUST references to GC memory that become invalid.

Is the destructor of a class actually an appropriate place to deallocate non-memory resources, at least if Unique!T is used, or is this going to be fragile?

------ RefCounted ------

RefCounted: The documentation says:
"Defines a reference-counted object containing a T value as payload. RefCounted keeps track of all references of an object, and when the reference count goes down to zero, frees the underlying store. RefCounted uses malloc and free for operation.

RefCounted is unsafe and should be used with care. No references to the payload should be escaped outside the RefCounted object.

... some stuff about autoInit ... "

So I have similar questions about this as I did Unique: How does it "free" the resource T?  What method does it call to tell T to deallocate itself?

The documentation suggests that it uses malloc/free, which, if I am guessing right, would mean that the underlying T would have absolutely no chances to free underlying resources.  Its memory would get free'd and that's EOL for the instance, no mulligans.

The source code seems to suggest that it calls destroy(...) like Unique does.

Is RefCounted intended to be used with non-memory resources, or is it strictly a memory manager using malloc/free and reference counts?

I also worry about RefCounted's unconditional dependency on mallocator functions (and possibly also the pureGcXxxx functions).  Maybe that is a feature request for another day.

=== (2)  Put a deallocate() method; call it in scope(exit) ===

import std.stdio;

struct MyRange
	static MyRange allocate() {
		MyRange r;
		writeln("Allocate MyRange.");
		return r;

	void deallocate() { writeln("Deallocate MyRange."); }

int foo(bool doThrow)
	auto a = MyRange.allocate();
	scope(exit) a.deallocate();
	if ( doThrow )
		throw new Exception("!");
		return 42;

void main()

I'm leaning towards this methodology; it is simple and doesn't make a lot of assumptions.  For this project, my usage should have pretty straightforward object lifetimes; defining these lifetimes with function scopes should be sufficient.

I still wonder if there is a better way, especially if I am not fortunate enough to get easy program requirements in the future.

===  (3)  Put a deallocate() method; call it in ~this()    ===

import std.stdio;

struct MyRange
	static MyRange allocate() {
		MyRange r;
		writeln("Allocate MyRange.");
		return r;

	~this() { deallocate(); }
	void deallocate() { writeln("Deallocate MyRange."); }

int foo(bool doThrow)
	auto a = MyRange.allocate();
	if ( doThrow )
		throw new Exception("!");
		return 42;

void main()

This seems to work.  Any caveats?

I suppose this will have the similar drawbacks to (2) : if the lifetime of the objects becomes more complicated than function scope, then this may not work well enough.


- Chad
March 09, 2017
On Wednesday, 8 March 2017 at 23:54:56 UTC, Chad Joan wrote:
> What's the best way to implement such a range in current D?

I'd go with a struct with disabled copying and default construction, then make the destructor free it and the function that returns it populate it.

So basically Unique.

> The destroy function doesn't mention what methods specifically will be executed on the target object, other than "destructor or finalizer".

It calls the `~this()` function, aka the destructor. It is just sometimes called a finalizer in other contexts too. Same thing, different name.

> So I have similar questions about this as I did Unique: How does it "free" the resource T?  What method does it call to tell T to deallocate itself?

So it doesn't deallocate itself, but it can deallocate its members.

It calls ~this(); first, your destructor, and you can free its members with that. Then it calls `free()` on the outer object pointer itself.

So clean up the members in the destructor and you should be good. Basically the same deal as with Unique.

> I'm leaning towards this methodology;

This is good, but it is easy to forget the scope(exit) too.

That said, this is how my database.d handles its connection classes. If your connection is a struct, using the destructor is better (your option #3), since it just does this automatically - a struct destructor (unless it is in a dynamic array or some other kind of pointer) is automatically called on scope exit.

Classes, though, do not get their dtors called then - they wait until they are GC'd - so scope(exit) does a good job with getting them cleaned up faster.

> ===  (3)  Put a deallocate() method; call it in ~this()

This is what my database.d does with the query results. The database connection class is polymorphic and thus doesn't work well as a struct, but the query result worked beautifully as a struct and the destructor handles it.

I also threw in `@disable this(this);` to ensure it isn't copied somewhere so I don't have to refcount it or anything annoying like that. On the other hand, I must consume the query in-place (or pass it by pointer to other functions being careful not to keep it after the outer function returns)... but that's what I want to do anyway.

So my code looks something like this:

class Database {
   this(string conn) {
        this.handle = establish_connection(conn);
        if(this.handle is null) throw new Exception();

   ~this() {

   Result query(string sql, string[] args) {
         // hugely simplified
         auto q = prepare_query(sql);
         bind_args(q, args);

         // the Result is constructed here and only here
         return Result(execute_query(q));

struct Result {
     // no business default constructing it ever
     @disable this();

     // forbid copying it. Instead, pass it by pointer
     // or just loop it in-place and copy the results
     // elsewhere for storage.
     @disable this(this);

     // private constructor since only the query
     // method above should be making these
     private this(c_query_handle handle) {
        this.handle = handle;
         // do whatever other allocation needs
         // to be done via C functions
        // ....

        popFront(); // prime the first result

     ~this() {
         // destroy whatever C resources this holds

     Row front() {
        return makeDFriendly(this.current_row);

     void popFront() {
        this.current_row = fetch_next_row(this.handle);

     bool empty() {
        return has_more_rows(this.handle);

Then use it like this:

void main() {
    auto db = new Database("db=test");
    scope(exit) .destroy(db);

    foreach(row; db.query("select * from foo", null)) {
        // work with row

Now, if you forget to scope(exit), it is OK, the garbage collector WILL get around to it eventually, and it is legal to work with C handles and functions from a destructor. It is only illegal to call D's garbage collector's functions or to reference memory managed by D's GC inside the destructor. C pointers are fine.

It is just nicer to close the connection at a more specified time.
March 09, 2017
Awesome, thank you!

On Thursday, 9 March 2017 at 00:47:48 UTC, Adam D. Ruppe wrote:
> Now, if you forget to scope(exit), it is OK, the garbage collector WILL get around to it eventually, and it is legal to work with C handles and functions from a destructor. It is only illegal to call D's garbage collector's functions or to reference memory managed by D's GC inside the destructor. C pointers are fine.

It's good to have this confirmed.  I'm always a bit trepidatious around destructors.

Oooh, and it looks like there is more information in the language spec about @disable on struct constructors and postblits now (compared to the previous time I tried to learn about that feature).  So between that and your example, I think I have a feel for how to use that.  Thanks.

Have a wonderful day!
March 09, 2017
Unique is probably not good for database connection: you then can't have connection in two variables, also if it holds a reference to GC-allocated memory, it can't be put to GC-allocated memory, since when that GC-allocated memory is collected, Unique will try to destroy its possibly already freed object resulting in use after free. RefCounted is ok, it has calls to GC in order to be scanned for GC references, though destructors during collection are called in a different thread, so the counter can be decremented incorrectly. Phobos tends to have specialized types like File and RcString, but they have the same problem with reference counting during collections.
March 09, 2017
> RefCounted is ok

If GC methods it calls are legal during collection.