August 06, 2017
On 05-08-17 22:59, ag0aep6g wrote:
> On 08/05/2017 10:30 PM, Mike Wey wrote:
>> On 05-08-17 15:23, Johnson Jones wrote:
>>> On Saturday, 5 August 2017 at 12:51:13 UTC, Mike Wey wrote:
> [...]
>>>> There are two issues here, you need to properly escape the slash: "C:\\\\a.jpg".
> [...]
>>>> ```
>>>> Pixbuf p = new Pixbuf(r"C:\\a.jpg");
>>>> ```
>>> Thanks. Why do I need 4 slashes? Is that standard with gtk because strings are interpreted twice or something? Seemed to work though.
>> Nothing specific to GTK but in D and other programing languages the \ is used as an escape character, so you can use special characters in your sting like `\n` for a newline. But this means you will need to use \\ to get an literal back slash.
> I think you missed the point of the question.
> In the end, the path should contain only one backslash. But with `"C:\\\\a.jpg"` and `r"C:\\a.jpg"` you get two. Why do you need two? Does the library do another round of escape sequence handling?

That's me not being a Windows user shining trough, i somehow got it in my head that you needed two backslashes after the C:.

But indeed just "C:\\a.jpg" or r"C:\a.jpg" will work as expected.

Mike Wey
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