November 21, 2015

I just spend a day with the D programming language and I am very excited about being able to write such performant programs in such an clear and concise way!

I tried to write a little search tool.
The BoyerMooreFinder docs say that the comparison operator can be specified. Unfortunately, this doesn't work in practice:

import std.algorithm;
import std.stdio;

void main(string[] args) {
	writeln("> ", find("Hello World", boyerMooreFinder("World")));
	writeln("> ", find("Hello World", boyerMooreFinder!("toLower(a) == toLower(b)")("world")));
	writeln("> ", find("EE Hello World", boyerMooreFinder!("toLower(a) == toLower(b)")("worl")));


> World
> World

The problem is here:

When it looks letters up in its private lookup tables, it uses the original letters, not the lower case ones. To work around this, I copied the algorithm class, customized this to use the .toLower letter here as well and it works like a charm.

I wondered: Do I miss something here? Calling .toLower() on the whole string makes this a lot slower; is there a way to customize the algorithm with some mapping for the characters? Is there a use case for customizing the predicate only?


November 23, 2015
On 11/21/2015 08:50 AM, Ralf wrote:

> The problem is here:
> When it looks letters up in its private lookup tables, it uses the
> original letters, not the lower case ones. To work around this, I copied
> the algorithm class, customized this to use the .toLower letter here as
> well and it works like a charm.

Please bring this up on the main newsgroup. It sounds like an oversight to me, which may require an API change.
