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toString best practices
Feb 09, 2023
Paolo Invernizzi
Feb 15, 2023
Bastiaan Veelo
Feb 17, 2023
Paolo Invernizzi
February 09, 2023
Hello everybody,

Let's assume there's an implementation of a templated struct like this:

import std.format, std.range.primitives;

struct Point(T)
    T x, y;

    void toString(W)(ref W writer, scope const ref FormatSpec!char f) const
    if (isOutputRange!(W, char))
        put(writer, "(");
        formatValue(writer, x, f);
        put(writer, ", ");
        formatValue(writer, y, f);
        put(writer, ")");

void main(){

        import std.format : format;
        assert( format("%s", Point!int(1,2)) == "(1, 2)");

    	import std.experimental.logger;
    	sharedLog.infof("%s", Point!int(1,2));
 Error: none of the overloads of template `std.logger.core.Logger.memLogFunctions!` are callable using argument types `!()(string, Point!int) shared`
/Users/pinver/dlang/dmd-2.102.0/osx/bin/../../src/phobos/std/logger/core.d(828,14):        Candidates are: `logImplf(int line = __LINE__, string file = __FILE__, string funcName = __FUNCTION__, string prettyFuncName = __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, string moduleName = __MODULE__, A...)(lazy bool condition, lazy string msg, lazy A args)`
/Users/pinver/dlang/dmd-2.102.0/osx/bin/../../src/phobos/std/logger/core.d(876,14):                        `logImplf(int line = __LINE__, string file = __FILE__, string funcName = __FUNCTION__, string prettyFuncName = __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, string moduleName = __MODULE__, A...)(lazy string msg, lazy A args)`


What is the best way to handle also shared writers?

Thank you all,

February 15, 2023

On Thursday, 9 February 2023 at 17:49:58 UTC, Paolo Invernizzi wrote:

import std.format, std.range.primitives;

struct Point(T)
    T x, y;

    void toString(W)(ref W writer, scope const ref FormatSpec!char f) const
    if (isOutputRange!(W, char))
        put(writer, "(");
        formatValue(writer, x, f);
        put(writer, ", ");
        formatValue(writer, y, f);
        put(writer, ")");

void main(){

        import std.format : format;
        assert( format("%s", Point!int(1,2)) == "(1, 2)");

    	import std.experimental.logger;
    	sharedLog.infof("%s", Point!int(1,2));

Pasting this into, it just works. That's for DMD 2.099, so it might be a regression -- or recent feature?

-- Bastiaan.

February 17, 2023
On Wednesday, 15 February 2023 at 12:15:18 UTC, Bastiaan Veelo wrote:
> On Thursday, 9 February 2023 at 17:49:58 UTC, Paolo Invernizzi wrote:
>> ```
>> import std.format, std.range.primitives;
>> struct Point(T)
>> {
>>     T x, y;
>>     void toString(W)(ref W writer, scope const ref FormatSpec!char f) const
>>     if (isOutputRange!(W, char))
>>     {
>>         put(writer, "(");
>>         formatValue(writer, x, f);
>>         put(writer, ", ");
>>         formatValue(writer, y, f);
>>         put(writer, ")");
>>     }
>> }
>> void main(){
>>         import std.format : format;
>>         assert( format("%s", Point!int(1,2)) == "(1, 2)");
>>     	import std.experimental.logger;
>>     	sharedLog.infof("%s", Point!int(1,2));
>> }
>> ```
> Pasting this into, it just works. That's for DMD 2.099, so it might be a regression -- or recent feature?
> -- Bastiaan.

Hi Bastiaan,

I think the cause is in some change happened in the logger module, I'm recompiling some code with the latest dmd frontend.

I solved it simply using the 'logX' functions at module level instead of the sharedLog methods.

Thank you!