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Guide - Migrating from std.experimental.ndslice to mir-algorithm
Jun 02, 2017
Jun 03, 2017
Jun 03, 2017
June 02, 2017

Just tried migrating from std.experimental.ndslice to mir-algorithm.

Is there a guide on how migrate old code?

I used the following imports before and using then with ndslice.

import std.experimental.ndslice;
import std.algorithm : each, max, sort;
import std.range : iota, repeat;

simplified example of how it was used.
auto a = cr.iota.sliced(r, c);
auto b = a.reshape(c, r).transposed!1;

auto c = a.reversed!1;
auto d = a.reshape(c, r).transposed!1.reversed!1;

auto f = new int[cr].sliced(r, c);
auto h = f.transposed(1);

how can I do the following in mir-algorithm.

Note: I will be going through the documentation.


June 03, 2017
On Friday, 2 June 2017 at 16:08:20 UTC, Zz wrote:
> Hi,
> Just tried migrating from std.experimental.ndslice to mir-algorithm.
> Is there a guide on how migrate old code?
> I used the following imports before and using then with ndslice.
> import std.experimental.ndslice;
> import std.algorithm : each, max, sort;
> import std.range : iota, repeat;
> simplified example of how it was used.
> auto a = cr.iota.sliced(r, c);
> auto b = a.reshape(c, r).transposed!1;
> auto c = a.reversed!1;
> auto d = a.reshape(c, r).transposed!1.reversed!1;
> auto f = new int[cr].sliced(r, c);
> auto h = f.transposed(1);
> how can I do the following in mir-algorithm.
> Note: I will be going through the documentation.
> Zz

Hello Zz,

std.experimental.ndslice -> mir.ndslice

std.range : iota, repeat -> mir.ndslice.topology: iota, repeat;
std.algorithm : each; -> mir.ndslice.algorithm: each;
std.algorithm : max; -> mir.utility: max;
std.algorithm : sort; -> mir.ndslice.sorting: sort;

Note, that Mir functions has different semantics compared with Phobos!
For example, each iterates deep elements, so should be combined with `pack` to iterates rows instead of elements.

Ndslices work with Phobos functions but it is suggested to use Mir analogs if any.

// Mir's iota! It is already 2D ndslice :-)
auto a = [r, c].iota;

auto b = a
   // returns flattened iota, a has Contiguous kind,
   // so the result type would be equal to `iota(r*c)`
    // convert 1D iota ndslice to 2D iota ndslice
    .sliced(c, r)
    // It is required to use transposed
    // Convert ndslice kind from Contiguous to Universal.
    // Transpose the Universal ndslice

auto c = a.universal.reversed!1;
auto d = a.flattened.sliced(c, r).universal.transposed!1.reversed!1; // see also `rotated`

auto f = slice!int(c, r); // new int[cr].sliced(r, c); works too.
auto h = f.universal.transposed(1);

Mir ndslices have three kinds:

If you have any questions feel free to ask at the Gitter:



June 03, 2017
On Saturday, 3 June 2017 at 05:21:13 UTC, 9il wrote:
> On Friday, 2 June 2017 at 16:08:20 UTC, Zz wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Just tried migrating from std.experimental.ndslice to mir-algorithm.
>> Is there a guide on how migrate old code?
>> I used the following imports before and using then with ndslice.
>> import std.experimental.ndslice;
>> import std.algorithm : each, max, sort;
>> import std.range : iota, repeat;
>> simplified example of how it was used.
>> auto a = cr.iota.sliced(r, c);
>> auto b = a.reshape(c, r).transposed!1;
>> auto c = a.reversed!1;
>> auto d = a.reshape(c, r).transposed!1.reversed!1;
>> auto f = new int[cr].sliced(r, c);
>> auto h = f.transposed(1);
>> how can I do the following in mir-algorithm.
>> Note: I will be going through the documentation.
>> Zz
> Hello Zz,
> std.experimental.ndslice -> mir.ndslice
> std.range : iota, repeat -> mir.ndslice.topology: iota, repeat;
> std.algorithm : each; -> mir.ndslice.algorithm: each;
> std.algorithm : max; -> mir.utility: max;
> std.algorithm : sort; -> mir.ndslice.sorting: sort;
> Note, that Mir functions has different semantics compared with Phobos!
> For example, each iterates deep elements, so should be combined with `pack` to iterates rows instead of elements.
> Ndslices work with Phobos functions but it is suggested to use Mir analogs if any.
> // Mir's iota! It is already 2D ndslice :-)
> auto a = [r, c].iota;
> auto b = a
>    // returns flattened iota, a has Contiguous kind,
>    // so the result type would be equal to `iota(r*c)`
>     .flattened
>     // convert 1D iota ndslice to 2D iota ndslice
>     .sliced(c, r)
>     // It is required to use transposed
>     // Convert ndslice kind from Contiguous to Universal.
>     .universal
>     // Transpose the Universal ndslice
>     .transposed;
> auto c = a.universal.reversed!1;
> auto d = a.flattened.sliced(c, r).universal.transposed!1.reversed!1; // see also `rotated`
> auto f = slice!int(c, r); // new int[cr].sliced(r, c); works too.
> auto h = f.universal.transposed(1);
> -------
> Mir ndslices have three kinds:
> If you have any questions feel free to ask at the Gitter:
> Best,
> Ilya
> Best,
> Ilya
