July 30, 2017
What is the idiomatic D code equivalent to this c++ code?

class Block
    : data_(new char[4096])


  // NOTE: both members marked noexcept
  Block(Block &&rhs) noexcept = default;
  Block& operator=(Block &&rhs) noexcept = default;


  std::unique_ptr<char> data_;

// What is the equivalent of std::vector, the closest thing I could find is
// std.container.array
std::vector<Block> blocks;

for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i) {
  // NOTE: blocks are moved when relocation happens
  // because of move-ctor and move-assign-operator marked noexcept

July 30, 2017
On Sunday, 30 July 2017 at 16:12:41 UTC, piotrekg2 wrote:
> What is the idiomatic D code equivalent to this c++ code?

There's no direct equivalent of all your code to D using only druntime+phobos AFAIK.

> class Block
> {
> [...]
> };

Since you don't seem to be using reference type semantics or polymorphism this should be mapped to a struct, such as

import std.experimental.allocator;
import std.experimental.allocator.mallocator;

struct Block
    static Block create()
        Block obj;
        obj.data_ = Mallocator.instance.makeArray!char(4096);
        return obj;

    ~this() nothrow
        if (data_ !is null) {
            data_ = null;

    @disable this(this); // Forbid copying
    char[] data_;

> // What is the equivalent of std::vector, the closest thing I could find is
> // std.container.array
> std::vector<Block> blocks;
> for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i) {
>   // NOTE: blocks are moved when relocation happens
>   // because of move-ctor and move-assign-operator marked noexcept
>   blocks.emplace_back();
> }

That's the closest one in Phobos AFAIK. There are custom container implementations out there such as the emsi containers [1]. If you use one of them, the above should be as simple as

Array!Block blocks;

foreach (i; 0..100)
    blocks ~= Block.create();

I've added your example as a unittest to my own dynamic array implementation, should you wish to have a look [2].

A little bit of background:

Classes are reference types, structs are value types i.e there's no copy/move mechanics for classes w.r.t. your code. The one for structs is roughly like this: Whenever the compiler sees a struct object `obj` being assigned a new value `other`, it will run the destructor for `obj` (should one exist), then copy `other` over `obj`, followed by calling the postblit constructor `this(this) { ... }` (should it exist) on `obj`.

In some instances (such as return from function, or first assignment in constructor, i.e. initialization) the compiler may automatically optimize the copy to a move.
Assuming the compiler tries to do a copy, it will only work if `typeof(obj)` is copyable (doesn't have the postblit disabled via `@disable this(this)`), if it isn't, the compiler will error out;
you can force a move by using `std.algorithm : move`. There's also `std.algorithm : moveEmplace` in case you don't wish the target to be destroyed.

[1] https://github.com/economicmodeling/containers
[2] https://github.com/Calrama/libds/blob/83211c5d7cb866a942dc9dd8ba1c622573611ccd/src/ds/dynamicarray.d#L351