August 31, 2016
In case anyone was wondering, in 32-bit Windows you can call Fiber.yield() from inside a vectored exception handler, and subsequently resume the fibre again.
As far as I can tell it works flawlessly.

Here's a little example:


extern(Windows) int on_exception_global(EXCEPTION_POINTERS* X) nothrow {
	/* once installed, this function will be called for every
	exception raised in the current process */

	if (X.ExceptionRecord.ExceptionCode == STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION) {

		Fibre.yield(); // can do!

		// retry the instruction that raised the exception

	// call next exception handler

auto Hdl = enforce(AddVectoredExceptionHandler(
	1, /* insert at front of exception-handler chain */


Careful about throwing from inside your exception handler (any kind of software or hardware exception, not limited to 'Throwable'). Don't want to end up in an infinite loop.