December 04, 2005
Usual understanding is, that newLines are white space and therefore word separators.

The wc.d in the samples of DMD does not take this into account.

So I rewrote it, mostly not to fix that bug, but to see how the beautifulness of D would show up.

As always: love it, leave it or change it :-)

import std.file, std.stdio;

void main (char[][] args) {

    struct Count{
      uint bytes= 0, words= 0, lines= 0;
      void opAddAssign( Count right){
        bytes+= right.bytes;
        words+= right.words;
        lines+= right.lines;
    } Count total;

    writefln( "   lines   words   bytes file");
    // foreach file
    foreach( char[] arg; args[1 .. args.length]) {
        char[] input= cast(char[]);
        Count current;

        // compute byte count
        current.bytes= input.length;

        // compute word count
        enum{ SPACE, WORD};
        int state= SPACE;
        foreach( char c; input){
          bit isSpace= ( c == ' ' || c == '\n');
          switch( 2*state + isSpace){
            case 2*SPACE + false:
              state= WORD;
            case 2*WORD + true:
              state= SPACE;

        // compute line count
        foreach ( char c; input){
          bit isEOL= ( c == '\n');
          current.lines+= isEOL;

        writefln( "%8d%8d%8d %s",
          current.lines, current.words, current.bytes, arg);
        // sum up
        total+= current;
    if( args.length > 2){
        writefln( "--------------------------------------
%8d%8d%8d total",
          total.lines, total.words, total.bytes);