May 19, 2004
should this work? following the spec:

    A property is read by calling a method with no arguments; a property
    is written by calling a method with its argument being the value it
    is set to.

1 cent question: are the overloaded opCall methods of the struct test
considered as separated methods?

Apparantly only the read opCall is taken into account.


ps: only thing against it I found was that one can't add non-static functions to classes, but the fact that it would work for reads and not for writes is somehow inconsistent

struct test(T)
    T value;

    T opCall(T value_)   { return value = value_; }
    T opCall()           { return value; }

class A
    test!(int) p;

void main()
    A a = new A();

    // it won't use "property!(int).opCall(int value_)"
    // a.p = 49;  // error: cannot implicitly convert int to test
    // a.p(51);   //does work
    a.p.value = 50;

    // but here it uses "property!(int).opCall()"