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anonymous delegate syntactic sugar
Jul 11, 2004
Ben Hinkle
Jul 11, 2004
Matthias Becker
Jul 11, 2004
Ben Hinkle
July 11, 2004
I was experimenting with implementing simple iterators as anonymous delegates and it occurred to me that some syntactic sugar would make it more useful. I started with:

void foo(double delegate() next, int delegate() end) {
  while (!end())

int main() {
  static double[4] x = [10,20,30,40];
  int i=0;

  foo(delegate double() {return x[i++];},
      delegate int() {return i==x.length;});
  return 0;

and I thought if only the call to foo was simpler this might actually be
useful. My first though was to use the syntax
as syntactic sugar for
  delegate typeof(<expr>)(){return <expr>;}
but that might not be a great idea since it looks very similar to
  delegate(parameter list){body}
In any case, if that syntax were used the call would look like
which is much better than the original version.

It might not be worth it in the end, though, since creating and passing around pairs of next/end delegates is slightly more annoying than creating iterator instances (though it would reduce the amount of garbage the program generates).

Note there is already the syntax
as syntactic sugar for
  delegate void(){<stmt>}
so including delegate(<expr>) isn't too wierd.


July 11, 2004
>My first though was to use the syntax
>  delegate(<expr>)
>as syntactic sugar for
>  delegate typeof(<expr>)(){return <expr>;}
>but that might not be a great idea since it looks very similar to
>  delegate(parameter list){body}
>In any case, if that syntax were used the call would look like
>  foo(delegate(x[i++]),delegate(i==x.length));
>which is much better than the original version.

What about something more general?

(<args>) => <body>

So your
foo(() => x[i++], () => i==x.length);

This would be a clean, nice synthax, IMO. And it would help to set D apart from C++, as things likes this are very unusual in C++, as they are way to complicated.

July 11, 2004
Matthias Becker wrote:

>>My first though was to use the syntax
>>  delegate(<expr>)
>>as syntactic sugar for
>>  delegate typeof(<expr>)(){return <expr>;}
>>but that might not be a great idea since it looks very similar to
>>  delegate(parameter list){body}
>>In any case, if that syntax were used the call would look like
>>  foo(delegate(x[i++]),delegate(i==x.length));
>>which is much better than the original version.
> What about something more general?
> (<args>) => <body>
> So your
> foo(delegate(x[i++]),delegate(i==x.length));
> becomes
> foo(() => x[i++], () => i==x.length);
> This would be a clean, nice synthax, IMO. And it would help to set D apart from C++, as things likes this are very unusual in C++, as they are way to complicated.

Well, the keyword "delegate" is meant for this purpose, but it's true that
less typing would be nice. At one extreme I could see the keyword
"delegate" being replaced with an "operator" symbol like @:
Not very readable but short.