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dmc problem
Dec 21, 2007
Dec 21, 2007
Dec 21, 2007
Bertel Brander
Dec 23, 2007
December 21, 2007
Hi All,

First of all, my question is about the C language (and the dmc

I have a static library that has functions using fprintf's, fopens inside. This library is then linked to a DLL (the DLL will be used from within the lua scripting language).

Anyways, if I try to fopen a file to write, it hangs at that point. Can we use fopen, printf (standard C functions) from within a DLL? Are there any commadn line switched that we can use (I am using -mn when compiling).
December 21, 2007
Hi again,

I have tries some other thing too...

I have written a simple DLL with a simple function. This function just calls printf with a message.

I am using LoadLibrary, GetProcAddress to get to the function in the main () function. If I leave the printf in the DLL function it hangs at that point. If I remove that from the function, it will call that function and the function returns (does not hang in that DLL function).

December 21, 2007
rd skrev:
> Hi again,
> I have tries some other thing too...
> I have written a simple DLL with a simple function. This function
> just calls printf with a message.
> I am using LoadLibrary, GetProcAddress to get to the function in
> the main () function. If I leave the printf in the DLL function
> it hangs at that point. If I remove that from the function, it
> will call that function and the function returns (does not hang
> in that DLL function).

I don't have that problem.
To try it I took the source from:
(scroll down to the end to download the source and build
jobs as a zip file).

I then added printf to the functions, and it seems to work.
December 23, 2007
Hi again,

I thank you for your reply.

I was assuming that a DllMain function was suplied, when not given. Now it is working.
