April 04, 2010
Download from https://sourceforge.net/projects/stlsoft/files/


Changes for 1.9.97 (4th April 2010)


 * added stlsoft::copy_preinc() and stlsoft::copy_postinc() algorithms
 * added str_set() method to unixstl::/winstl::system_traits
 * added unixstl/shims/conversion/to_uint64/stat.hpp
 * added missing widestring specialisation of inetstl::filesystem_traits::is_path_name_separator()
 * stlsoft::basic_error_desc synthesises widestring functionality if wcserror() is not available
 * exposes widestring version of platformstl::system_traits from UNIXSTL
 * comstl::variant compatibility with exception-support disabled
 * removed erroneous definitions of strtol(), strtoul(), strtod()
 * added missing 'mode' parameter to unixstl::module::load(), and uses 'mode' parameter passed to constructor template
 * typename corrections to platformstl::basic_file_path_buffer and platformstl::basic_path
 * improved discrimination of Visual C++ 9 / 10
 * fixed defective arithmetic in unixstl::/winstl::memory_mapped_file
 * refactored implementation of winstl::reg_key::create_key() to avoid infinite loop faults



 ~ stlsoft/algorithms/debug.hpp:
    + copy_preinc()
    + copy_postinc()

 ~ stlsoft/error/error_desc.hpp:
    + synthesises widestring functionality - in terms of strerror() - if not available as wcserror (or "safe string" equivalent)

 ~ stlsoft/std/cstdlib.hpp:
    - removed erroneous definitions of strtol(), strtoul(), strtod(): they used string access shims to elicit the string form of their arguments, and returned a pointer into the parsed string (which may no longer exist by the time the function returns)
    + added strtol(char const*, ...) and strtol(wchar_t const*, ...)
    + added strtoul(char const*, ...) and strtoul(wchar_t const*, ...)
    + added strtod(char const*, ...) and strtod(wchar_t const*, ...)

 ~ stlsoft/util/std/library_discriminator.hpp:
    ~ better discrimination of VC++ 9 & 10


 ~ comstl/collections/enumerator_sequence.hpp:
    ~ minor warning workaround

 ~ comstl/util/variant.hpp:
    ~ compatibility with exception-support disabled


 ~ inetstl/filesystem/filesystem_traits.hpp:
    + added missing is_path_name_separator for wide specialisation


 ~ platformstl/filesystem/file_path_buffer.hpp:
 ~ platformstl/filesystem/path.hpp:
    ~ correct use of typename to indicate dependent types in default template arguments

 ~ platformstl/system/system_traits.hpp:
    ~ exposes wide version from UNIXSTL


 ~ unixstl/dl/module.hpp:
    + added missing 'mode' parameter to load()
    ~ used 'mode' parameter passed to constructor template

 ~ unixstl/filesystem/memory_mapped_file.hpp:
    ~ fixed defective arithmetic when validating non-0 request size

 ~ unixstl/filesystem/path_functions.hpp:
    ~ refactored implementation

 ~ unixstl/shims/conversion/to_uint64/stat.hpp:
    + added unixstl/shims/conversion/to_uint64/stat.hpp

 ~ unixstl/synch/atomic_functions.h:
 ~ unixstl/synch/util/features.h:
    ~ preparation for future refinement

 ~ unixstl/system/system_traits.hpp:
    + str_set() method
    ~ other widestring compatibility changes


 ~ winstl/filesystem/memory_mapped_file.hpp:
    ~ fixed defective arithmetic when validating non-0 request size

 ~ winstl/filesystem/path_functions.hpp:
    ~ minor restructuring

 ~ winstl/registry/reg_key.hpp:
    ~ refactored implementation of create_key() to avoid infinite loop fault in case of passing string types of non-matching character encodings

 ~ winstl/system/system_traits.hpp:
    + str_set() method
