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Output Range Problem? How to make it work?
Oct 11, 2021
Oct 11, 2021
Paul Backus
Oct 11, 2021
Oct 11, 2021
Paul Backus
October 11, 2021

import std.range.primitives: isOutputRange;


struct Buffer

    void put(char c)
    void put(scope const(char)[] s)

struct Foo

    string toString()
	{return null;}

    ref Writer toString(Writer, Char)(return ref Writer sink)
    if (isOutputRange!(Writer, Char) && isSomeChar!Char)
    {return sink;}

    string toString(const(char)[] fmt)
    {return null;}

void main()
    Buffer buffer;
    Foo foo;

/* Getting this error
onlineapp.d(34): Error: none of the overloads of toString are callable using argument types (Buffer), candidates are:
onlineapp.d(19): onlineapp.Foo.toString()
onlineapp.d(26): onlineapp.Foo.toString(const(char)[] fmt)
onlineapp.d(22): toString(Writer, Char)(return ref Writer sink)

October 11, 2021

On Monday, 11 October 2021 at 00:19:44 UTC, apz28 wrote:


/* Getting this error
onlineapp.d(34): Error: none of the overloads of toString are callable using argument types (Buffer), candidates are:
onlineapp.d(19): onlineapp.Foo.toString()
onlineapp.d(26): onlineapp.Foo.toString(const(char)[] fmt)
onlineapp.d(22): toString(Writer, Char)(return ref Writer sink)

The signature of your toString method should match one of the examples in the documentation:

void toString(Writer, Char)(ref Writer w, const ref FormatSpec!Char fmt)
void toString(Writer)(ref Writer w)
string toString();

Here is an example that works:

import std.range: put;
import std.array: appender;
import std.format: formattedWrite;

struct Foo
    void toString(Writer)(ref Writer writer)
        put(writer, "Foo");

void main()
    auto buffer = appender!string;
    Foo foo;
    formattedWrite(buffer, "%s", foo);
    assert(buffer[] == "Foo");


October 11, 2021

On Monday, 11 October 2021 at 00:37:43 UTC, Paul Backus wrote:


On Monday, 11 October 2021 at 00:19:44 UTC, apz28 wrote:


/* Getting this error
onlineapp.d(34): Error: none of the overloads of toString are callable using argument types (Buffer), candidates are:
onlineapp.d(19): onlineapp.Foo.toString()
onlineapp.d(26): onlineapp.Foo.toString(const(char)[] fmt)
onlineapp.d(22): toString(Writer, Char)(return ref Writer sink)

The signature of your toString method should match one of the examples in the documentation:

void toString(Writer, Char)(ref Writer w, const ref FormatSpec!Char fmt)
void toString(Writer)(ref Writer w)
string toString();

Here is an example that works:

import std.range: put;
import std.array: appender;
import std.format: formattedWrite;

struct Foo
    void toString(Writer)(ref Writer writer)
        put(writer, "Foo");

void main()
    auto buffer = appender!string;
    Foo foo;
    formattedWrite(buffer, "%s", foo);
    assert(buffer[] == "Foo");


On Monday, 11 October 2021 at 00:37:43 UTC, Paul Backus wrote:

The subject is why the call is not allowed (format is not mention in question). Below sample is a bit more clear

import std.range.primitives : isOutputRange;
import std.traits: isSomeChar;


struct Buffer(Char)

    void put(Char c)

    void put(scope const(Char)[] s)

struct Foo

    ref Writer outWork(Writer)(return ref Writer sink)
    if (isOutputRange!(Writer, char))
    {return sink;}

    // Remove " && isSomeChar!Char" does not make any difference
    ref Writer outFail(Writer, Char)(return ref Writer sink)
    if (isOutputRange!(Writer, Char) && isSomeChar!Char)
    {return sink;}

void main()
    pragma(msg, isOutputRange!(Buffer!char, char)); // Print true

    Buffer!char buffer;
    Foo foo;
    foo.outWork(buffer); // OK

    foo.outFail!(Buffer!char, char)(buffer); // OK with explicit

    foo.outFail(buffer); // NOT OK

/* Blow is output from online compiler
onlineapp.d(40): Error: template onlineapp.Foo.outFail cannot deduce function from argument types !()(Buffer!char), candidates are:
onlineapp.d(25): outFail(Writer, Char)(return ref Writer sink)

October 11, 2021

On Monday, 11 October 2021 at 15:57:00 UTC, apz28 wrote:


The subject is why the call is not allowed (format is not mention in question). Below sample is a bit more clear


    ref Writer outFail(Writer, Char)(return ref Writer sink)
    if (isOutputRange!(Writer, Char) && isSomeChar!Char)
    {return sink;}


    foo.outFail(buffer); // NOT OK

The template parameter Char does not appear anywhere in the function's parameter list, so the compiler cannot deduce it from the function's arguments.

Here is a simpler example that demonstrates the same problem:

Dest convert(Source, Dest)(Source source)
    return cast(Dest) source;

void main()
    double d = 123.456;
    auto result = convert(d); // Source = double, Dest = ???