May 25, 2020
Is it possible to overload a function template for rectangular arrays? Is there any way to tell them apart from normal ones?

void foo(T)(T[] a) {}
void foo(T)(T[][] a) {}

auto ra = new int[][](5, 5);; // matches both

Thanks for any hints.
May 25, 2020
On 5/25/20 1:20 AM, John Chapman wrote:
> void foo(T)(T[] a) {}
> void foo(T)(T[][] a) {}
> auto ra = new int[][](5, 5);
>; // matches both

import std.traits;

void foo(T)(T[] a)
if (!isArray!T) {}

void foo(T)(T[] a)
if (isArray!T) {}

Or you can take T as parameter and check ElementType!T:

import std.traits;
import std.range;

void foo(T)(T a)
if (!isArray!(ElementType!T)) {}

void foo(T)(T a)
if (isArray!(ElementType!T)) {}

void main() {
  auto ra = new int[][](5, 5);;
