Matthew Wilson wrote:
"Jan Knepper" <> wrote in message
> > I first thought it was awful. Those were the days when I thought OO and
> > inheritance were profound things, so ...
> Actually... I *still* think OO is great.

I guess I do, in a way. I was probably just being sly for a good quote.

<g> Don't worry about it...
> STL only uses half the power of C++. If the original design was done a
> better they could have done it in such a way that STL could be used two
> 1.    Derived from an empy base class which would be optimized out with
> compiler and STL would be STL as is.
> 2.    Derived from a common (replaceable) base class and STL could have
> STL, but with OO and all the OO power of C++.

  . . .



It is an <brag> original idea </brag>, but I heard later that someone else (might have been Scott Meyers) wrote something alike about it.
Actually, I'll be sending you some docs soon demonstrating a very similar
technique, albeit for a quite different class. Now you've got me thinking
... maybe we'll see some more (borrowed) flesh on the concept in the next
revision, correctly attributed of course. ;)
I just smacked the example out rather quickly. The syntax might have been a bit off.
Because *some* people are so much into templates and STL and forget that the real power of C++ started with OO I got so upset a while ago that I started ;-)
I made a start patching a SGI version of STL to actually create VSTL, but I am kinda short in time and money at the moment...
btw, isn't this a potentially rather spiffy thought to carry into the DTL.
Now, that would be a GREAT idea. Let's not make the same mistake twice, but honer design patterns... ;-) Well, that last one because I am upset with the ANSI committee for prototyping swprintf as snwprintf. They didn't want to make the same mistake twice either, but I think declined the fact that there is tons of code out there that works with swprintf WITHOUT the string length parameters. Besides, they had a nice pattern going as:
printf -> wprintf
sprintf -> swprintf
snprintf -> snwprintf
vsprintf -> vswprintf
vsnprintf -> vsnwprintf
Which is now broke... <sigh>
Yours impressedly
Now now... ;-)
Peter the Plagiarist
Who does not?

Jan Knepper