Not that much:
Make it a pull request?

On 10/25/2012 9:06 PM, Walter Bright wrote:
That may be more implementation effort :-)

On 10/25/2012 11:50 AM, Rainer Schuetze wrote:

What about a different environment block for Win64 in sc.ini?

process [Environment] before command line processing, and process [Environment32] or [Environment64] afterwards, when the architecture is known.

On 10/25/2012 8:32 PM, Walter Bright wrote:
I'm not really sure what to do about this. Microsoft's linker reads the LIB environment variable.

Perhaps we can have link.c use putenv to reset LIB when calling the linker.

On 10/25/2012 11:00 AM, Rainer Schuetze wrote:

On 10/25/2012 6:34 PM, David Simcha wrote:
So I guess these should be versioned out in the Win64 builds then?  What libs should replace them?

The SDK import libraries are called the same for both win32 and win64 builds, but they are in different directories. That's why I suspect we'll need a different setting for LIB for Win64 in sc.ini.

On Wed, Oct 24, 2012 at 11:28 PM, Walter Bright <> wrote:

On 10/24/2012 8:05 PM, David Simcha wrote:

LINK : fatal error LNK1104: cannot open file 'shell32.lib'
--- errorlevel 1104

How is shell32.lib even getting pulled in?

c:\cbx\mars>grep -r shell32.lib *.d
runtime\src\rt\dmain2.d:    pragma(lib, "shell32.lib"); // needed for CommandLineToArgvW
hobos\std\process.d:    pragma(lib,"shell32.lib");

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