So I finally got my buggy email editor to work and was wondering if there has to be any particular ordering to the alias declarations that you can use within a scope?  How and when is the lookup done?  Does lexical order matter? 
For that matter, does it matter about lexical order of local variable declarations?  I don't see why it should, except an initialization might be easily taken out of order in presence of prior assignments.
From the Digital Mars website:

Alias Declarations

A symbol can be declared as an alias of another symbol. For example:
	import string;

	alias string.strlen mylen;
	int len = mylen("hello");	// actually calls string.strlen()
The following alias declarations are valid:
	template Foo2(T) { alias T t; }
	instance Foo2(int) t1;	// a TemplateAliasDeclaration
	alias instance Foo2(int).t t2;
	alias t1.t t3;
	alias t2 t4;
	alias instance Foo2(int) t5;

	t1.t v1;	// v1 is type int
	t2 v2;		// v2 is type int
	t3 v3;		// v3 is type int
	t4 v4;		// v4 is type int
	t5.t v5;	// v5 is type int
Aliased symbols are useful as a shorthand for a long qualified symbol name, or as a way to redirect references from one symbol to another:
	version (Win32)
	    alias myfoo;
	version (linux)
	    alias myfoo;
Note: Type aliases can sometimes look indistinguishable from alias declarations:
	alias abc;	// is it a type or a symbol?
The distinction is made in the semantic analysis pass.
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"Walter" <> wrote in message news:alr39k$2nk3$

> Implemented new alias declarations.