I'd be delighted to help, and maybe I will get time at some random point in the next week or so, but it's looking dodgy. I have 90,000 words to research and write, and 9 weeks to do it! The publisher's breathing over my shoulder is misting up my monitor as it is.
Maybe if you can break down the problem and post bits here I (and others) may be able to shed some light, but I can't see me having time to download and mess around. I'm really sorry, as I'd very much like to support your effort - indeed, I was thinking of giving some help once the book's out of the way, maybe we can plug some STLSoft stuff in there ;).
"Charles Sanders" <> wrote in message news:bn77h5$1omu$
Also could I get your help on something Matthew if you have time ?
Im using the scintilla MFC wrappers found here : , and Im having trouble getting the caret to show up ready for typing when I create new files, and also when DIDE loses focus, then regains it.  You have to click on the view to be able to edit.
I have tried scintillas methods of :
SetCurrentPos( )
SetSelectionStart( )
And also MFC's
I have tried these in an overrided CView::OnActivateView( ... ) function , a DisplayErrorFunction, OnInitalUpdate(), OnUpdate() etc... without any luck.
Here is a test program Im using so you can see it in action.
Im stuck on this , dont know what else to try :/.  Thanks for any help!
"Matthew Wilson" <matthew-hat@-stlsoft-dot.-org> wrote in message news:bn75am$1lou$
> Ok. Here's where I see the situation. We have several options
> 1. D
> 2. d
> 3. phobos
> 4. std
> 5. stdd
> 6. lang
> 7. some other multi-letter prefix
> The primary bifurcation on opinion is whether it is d/D or a multi-letter.
> Personally I'm still in two minds about this, although I lean towards d/D
> Secondary to that, therefore, is whether on for former case we go for d or
> for D. I lean towards d, and think that in either case it's not unreasonable
> to reserve the name of the language (in both cases).
> For the case of multi-letter prefixes, phobos is ruled out because of its
> (Digital) Mars specificity, but the other contenders seem reasonable, albeit
> somewhat prosaic.
> It would be useful if everyone could express their opinions on the main
> question of d/D vs multi-letter, *and* the secondary questions.
> Is there a possibility that one of you web-enabled kinda guys could organise
> a vote? Helmut, what about a place on your wiki stuff?
> Anyway, it may well be that Walter's just decided, and that's it, but until
> he says he is immovable I would like to explore. This is a very important
> issue that, once fixed, cannot be changed, so it's worth a little of all our
> consideration.
> Cheers
> --
> Matthew Wilson
> STLSoft moderator and C++ monomaniac       (
> Contributing editor, C/C++ Users Journal
> (
> "If i'm curt with you it's because time is a factor. I think fast, I talk
> fast, and I need you guys to act fast" -- Mr Wolf
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ---
> "Patrick Down" <> wrote in message
> > In article <
bn6tgo$1b4d$>, Matthew Wilson says...
> > >
> > >
> > >"Patrick Down" <> wrote in message
> > >news:bn6skf$19si$
> > >> In article <
bn6sef$19kb$>, Matthew Wilson says...
> > >> >
> > >> >I've been thinking about this module naming stuff, and considering
> C++'s
> > >> >approach.
> > >> >
> > >> >Clearly one of the reasons they chose std was because it was at least
> a
> > >bit
> > >> >unambiguous (three letters!)
> > >>
> > >> HEY!   Why can't we use std?  standard-d?
> > >
> > >Well I guess no reason, other than Walter (and others, me included) want
> D.
> > >The main contention is that it seems that Walter's the only one (who's
> > >publicly expressed, anyway) the preference for D over d, despite the
> > >inconsistency. Do you have a preference in that regard?
> >
> > If you held my arm against my back and forced me to make a decision
> > I would say d.   But I really dislike using a one letter name.
> >
> >
> >