Anyone else getting this?

c:\dmd\bin\..\src\phobos\string.d(376): unterminated character constant

c:\dmd\bin\..\src\phobos\string.d(376): found 'ff' when expecting ','

c:\dmd\bin\..\src\phobos\string.d(376): unterminated character constant

c:\dmd\bin\..\src\phobos\string.d(376): found ';' when expecting ','

c:\dmd\bin\..\src\phobos\string.d(377): found ';' when expecting ','

c:\dmd\bin\..\src\phobos\string.d(378): unterminated character constant

c:\dmd\bin\..\src\phobos\string.d(378): found 'ff' when expecting ','

c:\dmd\bin\..\src\phobos\string.d(378): unterminated character constant

c:\dmd\bin\..\src\phobos\string.d(378): found ';' when expecting ','

c:\dmd\bin\..\src\phobos\string.d(379): found ';' when expecting ','

c:\dmd\bin\..\src\phobos\string.d(380): expression expected, not '}'


In this part of string.d:




debug(string) printf("string.find.unittest\n");

int i;

i = find(null, cast(char[])'a');

assert(i == -1);

i = find("def", cast(char[])'a');

assert(i == -1);

i = find("abba", cast(char[])'a');

assert(i == 0);

i = find("def", cast(char[])'f');

assert(i == 2);

i = find("dfefffg", 'fff');

assert(i == 3);

i = find("dfeffgfff", 'fff');

assert(i == 6);



Also getting this linker error on some math intrinsics:



Error 42: Symbol Undefined _D4math3sinFeZe


Error 42: Symbol Undefined _D4math3cosFeZe


And this which is plainly in com.d:



Error 42: Symbol Undefined __Interface_3com8IUnknown


Maybe I need to do a clean install.  I think I may try d3d9 anyway.

