module clist; import std.stdarg; // Minimal Circular list /* Circular lists are efficient, concise and useful! 1. Walk the list forward and use append , the list is a stack 2. Walk the list backward and use append, the list is a queue 3. Keep a max/min/mid and you know which way to walk list for searches/sorted inserts 4. Reinsert search results to head of the list = MRU cache */ class CList(T) { protected: alias typeof(this) clist; clist next, prev; T data; public: this( T val ) { data = val; next = prev = this; } T value() { return data; } T value( T newval ) { return data=newval; } T* ptr() { return &data; } // static initializer function static clist opCall(...) { clist result = null; for (int i = 0; i < _arguments.length; i++) { if ( _arguments[i]==typeid(T) ) { result = append( result, va_arg!(T)(_argptr) )[0]; } else if ( _arguments[i]==typeid(clist) ) { clist tmp = va_arg!(clist)(_argptr); result = append( result, ); } else break; } return; } static clist insert( clist list,T val ) { clist tmp = new clist( val ); if ( list is null ) return tmp; tmp.prev = list.prev; = list; = tmp; list.prev = tmp; return tmp; } static clist append( clist list,T data ) { if ( list is null ) return new clist(data); return insert(, data ); } static void remove( CList node ) { if ( is node ) return; =; = node.prev; node.prev = = node; } static clist copy( clist list ) { if ( list is null ) return null; clist cur = list; clist result = null; do { result= append(result,; cur =; } while( !( cur is list ) ) ; return result; } clist reverse() { clist cur = this; clist result = null; do { result = insert( result, ); cur =; } while( cur!=this ); return result; } clist opCat( T val ) { return append( copy(this),val ); } clist opCat_r( T val ) { return insert( copy(this),val ); } clist opCat( clist other ) { clist cur = null; foreach( T val; this ) cur = append( cur, val ); foreach( T val; other ) cur = append( cur, val ); return; } clist find( T val ) { clist cur = this; while( != val ) { cur =; if ( cur is this ) return null; // was not found } return cur; } clist opIndex( int n ) { clist cur = this; while( n>0 ) { cur =; n--; } while( n<0 ) { cur = cur.prev; n++; } return cur; } void detach() { remove( this ); } uint count() { uint result = 1; clist cur =; while( ( cur is this )==false ) { result++; cur =; } return result; } int opApply( int delegate( inout T val ) dg ) { clist cur = this; int result ; do { result= dg( ); if ( result==0 ) cur =; else break; } while( ( cur is this )==false ) return result; } } version(Test) { import std.stdio; alias CList!(int) ilist; alias CList!(char[]) strlist; void main( char[][] arg ) { ilist a = ilist(100) ~ 200 ~ 300; writefln( "Count is %s", a.count ); foreach( int i; a ) { writefln("A Item= %s", i ); } ilist b = ilist( 200,300,400,500,600 ); foreach( int i; b ) { writefln("B Item= %s", i ); } ilist c = a ~ b; c[-1].detach(); foreach( int i; c ) { writefln("C Item= %s", i ); } c = c.find(200); if ( c is null ) {} else writefln("found 200 in C, %s = next", c.value ); strlist s = strlist( "Hello", "World", "!" ); foreach( char[] st ; s ) writefln(" S : %s", st ); s = strlist(s[0], "Cruel" , s[1] , s[2] ); foreach( char[] st ; s ) writefln(" S2 : %s", st ); s = s.reverse(); foreach( char[] st ; s ) writefln(" S2 Reversed : %s", st ); } }