Turbo Dump Version Copyright (c) 1988, 2000 Inprise Corporation Display of File ZLIB1.DLL Old Executable Header DOS File Size 17C1Ch ( 97308. ) Load Image Size 20h ( 32. ) Relocation Table entry count 0000h ( 0. ) Relocation Table address 0040h ( 64. ) Size of header record (in paragraphs) 0004h ( 4. ) Minimum Memory Requirement (in paragraphs) 0010h ( 16. ) Maximum Memory Requirement (in paragraphs) FFFFh ( 65535. ) File load checksum 0000h ( 0. ) Overlay Number 0000h ( 0. ) Initial Stack Segment (SS:SP) 0000:00FE Program Entry Point (CS:IP) 0000:0012 Portable Executable (PE) File Header base: 00000060 CPU type 80386 Flags A18E [ executable 32bit library ] DLL flags 0000 [ ] Linker Version 7.50 Time stamp 00000000 : O/S Version 1.0 User Version 0.0 Subsystem Version 3.10 Subsystem 0002 [ Windows GUI ] Object count 00000007 Symbols offset 00000000 Symbols count 00000000 Optional header size 00E0 Magic # 10B Code size 0000FC00 Init Data size 00008000 Uninit Data size 00000000 Entry RVA 00000000 Image base 10000000 Code base 00003000 Data base 00013000 Object/File align 00001000/00000200 Reserved 00000000 Image size 0001E000 Header size 00000400 Checksum 00000000 Stack reserve/commit 00000000/00000000 Heap reserve/commit 00100000/00001000 Number interesting RVAs 00000010 Name RVA Size ------------------ -------- -------- Exports 00001000 0000045D Imports 00002000 000003B8 Resources 0001B000 00000390 Exceptions 00000000 00000000 Security 00000000 00000000 Fixups 0001C000 000008E4 Debug 0001D000 0000001C Description 00000000 00000000 Global Ptr 00000000 00000000 TLS 00000000 00000000 Callbacks 00000000 00000000 Bound Imports 00000000 00000000 Import Addr Table 00000000 00000000 Delayed Imports 00000000 00000000 COM Runtime 00000000 00000000 reserved 00000000 00000000 Object table: # Name VirtSize RVA PhysSize Phys off Flags -- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- 01 .edata 00000600 00001000 00000600 00000400 40000040 [IR] 02 .idata 00000400 00002000 00000400 00000A00 40000040 [IR] 03 _TEXT 0000FC00 00003000 0000FC00 00000E00 60000020 [CER] 04 .CRT$XIA 00008000 00013000 00006400 00010A00 C0000040 [IRW] 05 .rsrc 00000400 0001B000 00000400 00016E00 40000040 [IR] 06 .reloc 00000A00 0001C000 00000A00 00017200 40000040 [IR] 07 .debug 00000200 0001D000 0000001C 00017C00 C2000040 [DIRW] Key to section flags: C - contains code D - discardable E - executable I - contains initialized data R - readable W - writeable ****************************************************************************** Section: Import ImportLookUpTblRVA:0000203C Time Stamp: 00000000 Forwarder Chain: 00000000 (index of first forwarder reference) Imports from KERNEL32.DLL VirtualAlloc VirtualFree RaiseException RtlUnwind SetConsoleCtrlHandler GetCPInfo GetOEMCP GetACP GetLastError GetFileType WriteConsoleA ExitProcess SetUnhandledExceptionFilter CreateFileA SetHandleCount SetEndOfFile ReadFile GetStringTypeA WideCharToMultiByte GlobalAlloc WriteFile GlobalFree DeleteFileA SetFilePointer GetStdHandle CloseHandle WaitForSingleObject ReleaseSemaphore CreateSemaphoreA GetCurrentThreadId FreeEnvironmentStringsA GetVersion GetEnvironmentStrings Imports from USER32.DLL MessageBoxA ****************************************************************************** Section: Exports Flags: 00000000 Time Stamp: 00000000 Major Version: 0000 Minor Version: 0000 Exports from ZLIB1.DLL 51 exported name(s), 51 export addresse(s). Ordinal base is 1. Sorted by Name: RVA Ord. Hint Name -------- ---- ---- ---- 00003000 1 0000 adler32 0000341C 2 0001 compress 0000334C 3 0002 compress2 0000343C 4 0003 compressBound 0000345A 5 0004 crc32 00004413 6 0005 deflate 00004334 7 0006 deflateBound 00004DCD 8 0007 deflateCopy 00004D0E 9 0008 deflateEnd 00003D6F 10 0009 deflateInit2_ 00003D4C 11 000A deflateInit_ 000041DC 12 000B deflateParams 00004191 13 000C deflatePrime 000040BC 14 000D deflateReset 00003FBC 15 000E deflateSetDictionary 00003454 16 000F get_crc_table 00006C98 17 0010 gzclearerr 00006B4C 18 0011 gzclose 00005F38 19 0012 gzdopen 00006A89 20 0013 gzeof 00006B98 21 0014 gzerror 000067E8 22 0015 gzflush 000064BB 23 0016 gzgetc 0000653C 24 0017 gzgets 00005F1F 25 0018 gzopen 0000664B 26 0019 gzprintf 000066B8 27 001A gzputc 000066E8 28 001B gzputs 0000627A 29 001C gzread 00006A0F 30 001D gzrewind 00006829 31 001E gzseek 00005F78 32 001F gzsetparams 00006A78 33 0020 gztell 000064E8 34 0021 gzungetc 00006598 35 0022 gzwrite 000083D5 36 0023 inflate 00006DC0 37 0024 inflateBack 00007BF7 38 0025 inflateBackEnd 00006CC0 39 0026 inflateBackInit_ 00009D00 40 0027 inflateCopy 00009A05 41 0028 inflateEnd 000081B3 42 0029 inflateInit2_ 000082A2 43 002A inflateInit_ 00008100 44 002B inflateReset 00009A50 45 002C inflateSetDictionary 00009BC0 46 002D inflateSync 00009CD0 47 002E inflateSyncPoint 0000C2B8 48 002F uncompress 0000C3A0 49 0030 zError 0000C396 50 0031 zlibCompileFlags 0000C390 51 0032 zlibVersion ****************************************************************************** Section: Resources Flags: 00000000 Time Stamp: 00000000 Major Version: 0000 Minor Version: 0000 Resources: Type Name Lang Id -------------------------------------------- [0 named entries, 1 ID entries] type: Version (16) (next directory @00000018) [0 named entries, 1 ID entries] type: Cursor (1) (next directory @00000030) [0 named entries, 1 ID entries] type: Unknown (1033) (data @00000048) Offset: 0001B058 Size: 00000338 Code Page: 00000000 Reserved: 00000000