On Thu, Jul 11, 2019 at 10:30 AM bauss via Digitalmars-d <digitalmars-d@puremagic.com> wrote:
We need to just realize that D did terrible in this benchmark and
perhaps the problem is something internally in vibe.d and then we
need to focus on what exactly the issue is, locate it and fix

This is what I am trying to do for some time now (few months), but vibe.d code is not so easy to read and debug. So far I have found out that vibe-core seems to not be the main problem (there are still some potentional speed improvment), but it seems the issue is somewhere in vibe-d:http.
There is some work on new version of this package (https://github.com/vibe-d/vibe-http) , so maybe the performance of this new attempt will be better. I am goint to try this new vibe-http, but I am not sure if it is already in usable state.