I never called you crazy, or anything remotely like that.
Just kill me and bring me peace.
I lose my mind trying to argue with you, and get so frustrated and angry, I just have to take a week or 2 timeout.
I feel like this community just grinds my life away slowly but steadily and I hate participating, but I'm in too deep. I just want to kick my goal and get on with my job!
Everything is just so hard, and so very weird.
Why can't stuff just be predictable? Why does everything have to have weird special case rules and strange edge cases?
My biggest trouble with D recently had been trying to explain it to people, and make them not lose confidence when they run in to a long series of stuff like this.
I have to try and explain weird shit like it's got a good reason with a straight face, and I just can't do that on so many accounts!
This is D's biggest enemy in 2019, I'm sure of it.
Anyway... I'm sorry, this is actually a distraction. I've managed to lose my laser focus on shared stuff. That's what I need today to progress.