On 28 January 2014 13:43, Jakob Ovrum <jakobovrum@gmail.com> wrote:
On Monday, 27 January 2014 at 13:12:56 UTC, Manu wrote:
D doesn't have a preprocessor or a horrible network of text include, it
should easily be able to match the C# experiences in general.

No, it's much, much harder because of templates and string mixins.

The only way to get a solid auto-complete experience for D is to use a compiler-as-library, which is why I think the approach that VisualD and Mono-D (and DScanner to some extent, IIRC) takes is a colossal waste of time, as "good enough" will in fact never be good enough.

Yeah, good point. I've heard murmurings of kitting DMD frontend out as a lib for tooling being thrown around as long as I've been trolling here.
It must be really hard... or really really uninteresting :)