On 17 September 2013 00:00, Bruno Medeiros <brunodomedeiros+dng@gmail.com> wrote:
On 02/09/2013 15:15, Manu wrote:
For me, I absolutely will not work without a symbolic debugger,

Oh well, so much getting you to try DDT, at least for now. :p

But I do understand that is a reasonable deal-breaker. (However, ditching Eclipse IDEs just because they are Eclipse-based is not though, regardless of what may be the status quo in the C/C++ community)

I don't have any particular issue with Eclipse. I just prefer VisualStudio and MonoDevelop.
Eclipse feels like it's held together with sticky tape and glue. But it works for Android, and AppEngine.

We've been experimenting with kdevelop on linux recently. It's showing promise. Basic support and debugging works, but it doesn't have a semantic analysis engine :(