On 17 September 2013 12:04, Meta <jared771@gmail.com> wrote:
On Tuesday, 17 September 2013 at 01:18:39 UTC, Manu wrote:
What kind of quantity are we talking? My VisualStudio2010 is humming away
right now at 80mb with a large project open (less than i expected).
It's a text editor... what does it do?

How in the world are you getting that small of a memory footprint? My CS2010 is currently using 203k with a fairly bare-bones project. Hell, it gobbles up 100k just idling with nothing open.

I presume you mean megabytes?
Well I've been working all morning since I made that comment; I have about 100 tabs open for editing in VS now (I don't clean up open tabs often >_<), and it's sitting at 120mb.
For reference, that's considerably less than the chrome process that hosts gmail (200mb!). About the same as the steam client which I haven't even opened since I turned on my PC, and less than double that of dropbox (70mb!).
I just booted eclipse, doing absolutely nothing, no projects open on the start screen. over 410mb...
I don't know why modern software uses so much memory. But it seems VisualStudio at ~100mb is pretty bloody good comparatively!

Dunno why you're seeing 200mb? (still less than my gmail tab...)
Perhaps you use Visual Assist or some other bulky plugins? I only have Visual-D installed.