On 20 September 2013 23:36, Michel Fortin <michel.fortin@michelf.ca> wrote:
On 2013-09-20 11:46:34 +0000, Manu <turkeyman@gmail.com> said:

Good to know it has been done elsewhere.
Can you recall any ways in which it was unreliable? How did you use it in

I think it sometime failed to patch the executable, thus forcing a full rebuild and a relaunch. Perhaps just a little too often to be useful? I wasn't working on anything where avoiding a full rebuild was really useful, so I never really used it.

In MSC/VS, this only really happens when you change a public struct. You can't really change the structure of heap-allocated memory. Basically anything else is fine though.
If you're tweaking code, you rarely want to re-structure your data. And it's easy to understand what you've done, and why it says "a rebuild is required" for certain changes.

In VS, you break/pause somewhere, make some code changes, and then when you
press F10 (step), or F5 (continue), it takes a few seconds (building), and
then it just continues with the new code. Pretty much seamless.

Same thing. Press Fix-and-continue instead of Continue, it rebuilds and then it continues running with the new code.