On Sat, Sep 8, 2012 at 2:49 PM, bearophile <bearophileHUGS@lycos.com> wrote:



In D enums are kind of (but not really) strongly typed,

"are kind of (but not really) strongly typed" - I didnt know that. How?
so writing them all in UPPERCASE is often a bad practice. So something more similar to this seems nicer:

ev.events = EpollEvents.in | EpollEvents.hupxxxxx | EpollEvents.error;

I'm trying to keep the learning curve to a minimum so some one using this library doesn't need to "double lookup" what it means. The original epoll #defines are EPOLL* (ex: EPOLLIN, EPOLLHUP, EPOLLONESHOT ..), hence the naming scheme EPOLL_EVENTS.* . But i do take your point. I'm thinking Events.* ; Events.IN, Events.HUP etc. Succinct and fairly obvious. Looks good? 

epoll.add(int file_descriptor, ev);

Is this correct D syntax?

I slipped into pseudo-code there. epoll works with file descriptors (including its own), not just sockets, hence i didn't write "epoll.add(listener_socket.handle(), ev)"