Jade template engine document : https://github.com/visionmedia/jade
win32/linux32/linux64 example with source : http://gool.googlecode.com/files/jade_r628.tar.bz2
source example: https://gist.github.com/843204
The jade.filter is not implement, we can cache the complile1 result if the template is not change, we can cache complile2 result if the static vars is not change .
The final render function is for render dynamic vars , the template & static vars is already convert to string in this part , It is fast enough with fastcgi app for me .
If you want more speed, you can implement a jade.lexer without pcre, and also you can use stack for jade.AST.Node . If you use v8 instead of dmdscript will be a huge performance boost.
I don't know any things about the license, If any people want use it for purpose is welcome.