I put a request into JetBrains to have intellij idea or a stand alone product support D http://youtrack.jetbrains.net/issue/IDEA-72124?query=D+Programming+language  
I don't know if anyone here is a fan of their IDE's but I find their tools to be quite good.   


On Aug 1, 2011, at 1:16 PM, Trass3r wrote:

Am 01.08.2011, 13:39 Uhr, schrieb Samuel Lampa <samuel.lampa@scilifelab.uu.se>:


I'm looking into using D for some sysadmin tools I need to develop att UPPMAX, and thus is looking for a good IDE for use on Linux, that supports debugging (step/go-into etc) debugging and code completion.

I think DDT doesn't support debugging yet.
But unfortunately there's no real alternative (I know of).