On Sat, 24 Aug 2024 at 12:28, Walter Bright via Digitalmars-d <digitalmars-d@puremagic.com> wrote:
Another approach is to compile the .c file with the -di flag, which will
translate the C code to D code and emit it into .di file. It doesn't do this
perfectly, but usually gets it good enough that any rough edges can be edited
and fixed.

Then you can add @nogc and nothrow.

*sigh* ... I'm not going to do that.
ImportC either works, or it doesn't... and it currently doesn't work, and I'm just going to move on.
By far the easiest and least ridiculous feeling thing can do right now is to just prototype the occasional C library call inline immediately before the call, which is what I've moved on with.
Fortunately my call volume is low.