On Mon, Sep 5, 2016 at 11:59 AM, Andrea Fontana via Digitalmars-d <digitalmars-d@puremagic.com> wrote:
I asked this some time (years?) ago. Time for a second try :)

Consider this:


T simple(T)() { return T.init; }

void main()
        int test = simple!int(); // it compiles
        int test2 = simple();    // it doesn't


Is there any chance to implement this kind of deduction?
Please notice that it doesn't break any existing code, I guess.

For example using my json wrapper [1] this sounds a bit pedantic:

user.name = json.get!string("info/name");
user.age  = json.get!int("info/age");

If return type deduction could be implemented it would be:

user.name = json.get("info/name");
user.age  = json.get("info/age");

[1] https://code.dlang.org/packages/jsonwrap


user.name = json.get!(info.name);


user.name = json!(info.name);

possible right now. No language changes. Shorter. No strings. compile time type verification.

can't do runtime loading of unknown json structure (but then neither does your proposal).