The largest blocking point to me is the community attitude. D constantly wants to 'rule them all' instead of integrating with other language ecosystems. This only recently started to change, but only towards C/C++ and not in the other direction, which is dynamic languages. PyD is only barely alive, and nobody seems to be interested to take it to the next level—of making it easy to distribute the created packages.
I'm speaking here from a researcher's perspective. One must realize that in our universe, there is often no time to learn yet another language, so people consolidate around Python so that everyone stays productive, and this situation will not change until someone rolls out a complete replacement for numpy, scipy, pandas, and scikit-learn at the very least. (and that won't happen any time soon) A fancy custom Jupyter kernel is nice but often half-baked and not really necessary. But solving distribution of shared libraries is a must if you (still) want to become a C++ replacement.
To me it seems that D currently has a unique advantage of being able to easily generate in compile time all the boilerplate binding code that everybody hates to write in C++ (or if one uses boost::python, hates to wait to compile). Combine that with the fact that many are terrified of C/C++ insomuch that Cython was invented, and D offers a much nicer language with GC for those who don't want to even know about memory management. Research people would love this, but only if it's a production-ready solution that needs no extra time investment.