On 8 March 2013 14:36, Artur Skawina <art.08.09@gmail.com> wrote:
On 03/08/13 13:40, jerro wrote:
>> I tried modifying some trivial sources, which were using only
>> 'pragma(attribute, noinline)', but couldn't get them to work; the compiler keeps
>> complaining, 'cc1d: error: unknown attribute noinline'.
>> Is 'import gcc.attribute; @attribute("noinline") void f() {}' supposed to work?
> It isn't. When the syntax was changed to @attribute, all the gcc attributes were disabled. If I understood correctly, the reason was that those were only meant for internal GDC use. AFAIK, noinline was removed even before that.
> Iain did say something about adding supported attributes one by one as they are needed. So I guess you need to talk to him about adding noinline.

I need them all. If D is to be an alternative to C/C++ it must support everything
that's already available for those languages.

Yet not all attributes that GCC offers actually make sense to have in D.  We certainly need to have a review of each one and discuss what is most important to have.  Also defining our own unique attributes along the way.  :o)

In the specific case i tested with i need @flatten to get decent performance, and
@noinline to have compile times measured in minutes and not hours (literally, as
@flatten can otherwise result in practically infinite recursive inlining).


Raise a bug report to get those added so no one forgets.

Iain Buclaw

*(p < e ? p++ : p) = (c & 0x0f) + '0';