On 8 March 2013 16:11, Johannes Pfau <nospam@example.com> wrote:
Am Fri, 8 Mar 2013 15:18:53 +0000
schrieb Iain Buclaw <ibuclaw@ubuntu.com>:

> Yet not all attributes that GCC offers actually make sense to have in
> D. We certainly need to have a review of each one and discuss what is
> most important to have.  Also defining our own unique attributes
> along the way. :o)

To get the discussion started: I think we could adopt these LDC


That could come under the jurisdiction of -ffree-standing  (something that could be the equivalent of dmd's -betterC).
Maybe nice to have:
LDC_global_crt_ctor and LDC_global_crt_dtor
(is this the same as
__attribute__((constructor))/__attribute__((destructor))) ?

Indeed.  This is different to this() and static this()  as these get called when the object gets loaded into C runtime, rather than delayed until D runtime initialises.
Not needed in GDC?
 (allow inlining a function continaining inline asm. not necessary for
  gdc extended inline asm)

Also not needed:
- aligned:  because D has align() for that.
- gnu_inline, artificial:  because D has no inline keyword, nor has need for one.
- error, warning:  There are better alternatives that can be implemented in D.
- deprecated:  There is a deprecated keyword for that.
- no_split_stack:  Infact, supporting -fsplit-stack is a generally bad idea anyway and requires a new GC.
- nothrow:  D has nothrow keyword
- pure, const:  Although D has pure keyword that does not necessarily follow same as C semantics, I don't think the inclusion of these are beneficial at all.
- returns_twice:  Unless of course I'm missing the point of something here. :o)
- optimise, target:  I'm sure the guy who implemented these meant well, but I fail to see the point as to why you'd want such an attribute.
- used, unused:  ......

Iain Buclaw

*(p < e ? p++ : p) = (c & 0x0f) + '0';