is there somewhere an up-to-date repo with gdc in compiling d2? the precompiled ones I tried were all for d1 and the one I tried to compile failed with "your c compiler isn't capable of compiling"

2011/9/13 Anders F Björklund <>
I pushed (again) the changes needed for 64-bit Mac OS X,
updated for druntime and phobos2. Will see about MinGW64.

Pushed the 64-bit Windows changes too, compiles but crashes.
gdc (GCC) 4.6.2 20110913 (prerelease gdc 0.30, using dmd 2.055)

Fortunately one doesn't need Windows, in order to use MinGW...
Didn't bother with 32-bit or D1, probably has similar issues.


My Mac/Win fork at
including the previous patches (not yet merged into the main)