Are you serious that you can't fathom how it could be confusing to someone than talking about differences in run times?
If you say something is faster than something else you want the two numbers to be something you can relate to.  Like MPH.  Everyone has a clear concept of what MPH is.  We use it every day.  So to say 25 MPH is 25% faster than 20 MPH is perfectly clear.  But nobody talks about program execution speed in terms of programs per second.  So I think it's pretty clear why that would be harder for people to grok than changes in car speeds or run times.

Anyway, congrats on the speed improvements!  When I was using D a lot, the compile times for heavily templated stuff were definitely starting to get to me.


On Wed, Jul 31, 2013 at 11:36 AM, Walter Bright <> wrote:
On 7/31/2013 11:13 AM, Bill Baxter wrote:
That's more analogous to something like MIPS than inverse program run time.

If you increase the speed 100%, then the elapsed time is cut by 50%.

This is a grammar school concept. It does not require an ivy league physics degree to understand. It is not obfuscated, confusing, or misleading. It doesn't rely on some rarely known "formal" definition of speed. I expect an audience of programmers to understand it without needing a sidebar.

We talk about speed of programs all the time, including compiler speed. I previously posted google searches you can try to verify it for yourself.

I.e. I'm being trolled here :-)