On Thu, Sep 13, 2018 at 5:14 PM Jonathan M Davis via Digitalmars-d <digitalmars-d@puremagic.com> wrote:

The entire point of having extern(C++, "NS") would be to make it so that the
_only_ thing that it would affect would be the name mangling. Everything
else is exactly the same behavior as it would be if you had the same
functions as extern(D). It would be up to the programmer to organize them
exactly like it is with pure D code. If you think that putting two functions
in the same module is too risky, then you can put them in separate modules,
but it certainly isn't going to be forced on you unless they actually
conflict. The fact that functions are extern(C++) would have no impact on
that whatsoever.

Yeah I get all this. It just seems to me that the downsides of extern(C++,"ns") from Walter's point of view could be handled by the compiler at the cost of a bit of flexibility.  
I would like to know how difficult that would be to do and whether that would be more acceptable to Walter than what is being being proposed.