2013/2/27 Jonathan M Davis <jmdavisProg@gmx.com>
I believe that both Walter and Andrei have said on multiple occasions that one
of C's big mistakes was conflating function names with their addresses, and
this DIP appears to be trying to do exactly that. And I honestly don't see
what it buys us. It just makes the situation with parenless function calls
worse. At least right now, it's clear when you're dealing with a function
pointer or a parenless function call. With this DIP, it wouldn't be.

I agree with Jonathan. DIP27 is a recurrence of C's mistake.
It would remove a language future, and breaking much existing code, and then introduces nothing. Certainly compiler implementation may be simplified a little by doing it, however it is too small benefit than the D world destruction.

Kenji Hara