On 5 Feb 2015 00:10, "Andrei Alexandrescu via Digitalmars-d-announce" <digitalmars-d-announce@puremagic.com> wrote:
> Andrew Edwards, our former release czar, declined his czardom because he went to college. Thanks and good luck!
> He left a void of power. After a period of turmoil and intestine political fights, we have a new, ruthless czar: Martin Nowak. He plans to put us on a path of regular, predictable 6-week releases, thus ending the D Middle Ages.

I would go one step further and request that there will be long term maintained releases too.  This benefits projects with longer time schedules.

For instance, should a D frontend be accepted for GCC, I'd expect community to help support whatever version of D was available at the time of the development window closing (normally three months before official release).

We already have this to a minor extent (and comes about with less and less frequency) in Debian/Ubuntu, where someone using 12.04LTS gets gdc-4.6 (2.055 frontend), then asks why they can't build X?  Answer - because no one thought to write code that maintained support for it.
