On 21 January 2012 18:09, Sean Kelly <sean@invisibleduck.org> wrote:
I suggest checking out Erlang messaging, as it's the basis for this design. Maybe then things will be a bit clearer.

Are you suggesting that erlang is a common language that all programmers worth their paycheques are familiar with... and would also find intuitive?
I don't know if it's the most sensible API decision to model a design off something so obscure, unless you suspect that D should appeal primary to ex-erlang users?

Just to re-iterate, I'm not arguing against the API or it's merits, it's really cool, just that it shouldn't be the trivial one named receive(). That name should be reserved for the most conventional API.

Seriously?  I usually turn that feature off if I use an IDE that has it. Large projects aren't an issue. I've worked on some counted in millions of lines of code.

Why even argue this? What's the point in intentionally making D unappealing to anyone who works in a non-linux professional environment? Do you aim to alienate those users from the community; keep the community nice and small...
I honestly don't understand how so many people around here can blindly consider windows users, and 'IDE users' in general, a niche or minority user base, and also, what the value of presenting this argument might actually be?

Who are the majority of professional devs here? What industry do they work in? Do they, or do they intend to use D in their professional work? What language are they coming from/using normally in their work? Do they really use vi in the office?
Is there a poll, or some statistics of this sort? I'd be very curious... because this argument comes up every other day.