On 2 September 2013 03:48, Walter Bright <newshound2@digitalmars.com> wrote:
On 9/1/2013 6:55 AM, Manu wrote:
Have you worked with it on a daily basis? It just doesn't work all the time.
Also, in my experience the auto-complete suggestions are often either
incomplete, or list heaps of completely unrelated stuff.
I'm not saying it's bad, it's better than nothing and I really appreciate the
project (I've said before, if it weren't for Rainer's effort, I simply wouldn't
use D), but it certainly needs more work, especially if I'm going to have any
traction selling it to others with no vested interest in the language.

I really appreciate your efforts here.

What Rainer needs is, I assume, the same things I need. Very specific lists of what went wrong.

Yup, but there's so many bugs in his bug tracker. It seems clear to me he needs help.
I talked with him a lot at DConf. As I understand it, most of the problems are because both his and Alexander Bothe's semantic analyser's just aren't as good as the D front end.

This comes back to my point about it being a separate satelite project. I wonder if it might help with visibility of these problems if it were included in the central github organisation, and bugs present in the main bug tracker that everyone can see and looks at regularly.