This is an interesting problem with the ref-is-not-part-of-the-type design. You can't really have a const(ref) in D, and a ref const(int) is kinda backwards logic.
I've never understood why ref isn't part of the type... can someone explain why this is a good thing? It seems to cause all sorts of troublesome problems... auto ref in templates for one.

On 12 April 2013 10:50, Nicholas Smith <> wrote:
I don't know how to file bug reports but I'm sure this shouldn't happen :)
DMD gives an error.

import std.stdio;

void main()
        immutable Cat cat = cast(immutable) new Cat(5);
        writefln("My 5 year old cat is %s years old!", cat.age);

void happyBirthday(ref int i)

class Cat
        public int age;

        this(int a)
                this.age = age;

My 5 year old cat is 6 years old!