On 3 September 2013 03:24, Walter Bright <newshound2@digitalmars.com> wrote:
On 9/1/2013 9:26 PM, Manu wrote:
Might I suggest one step further to you Walter, that it might be worth-while for
you to take an interest personally into Visual-D, and maybe Mago. Since you're
probably the primary Windows contributor?
Perhaps try and work with these tools on a daily basis for a while. Especially
try some intensive debugging sessions under Visual-D/VS.
You might find that it may short-circuit a lot of micro-bug reports in the
debugging experience.

At some point I have to delegate. I can't personally take charge of everything.

You are an expert with VS, you work extensively with others who use VS, and you know exactly what you need VisualD to do. Please work with the VisualD developer (Rainer)!

I get the impression Rainer is way overloaded. I haven't seen any movement in the bug list for months.

I'm the wrong person to do this. I try IDEs now and then, and have never been happy with them. I don't need the features they have. I know I'm out of step because of that, but it makes me the wrong person to fix it.

Fair enough.