March 30, 2005
Here is trap for young players ...

int find(dchar[] ToScan, dchar[] ToFind)
  for( int lPos = 0; lPos <= (ToScan.length - ToFind.length); lPos++)
        if (ToScan[lPos .. lPos + ToFind.length] == ToFind)
            return lPos;
    return -1;

See the bug? Neither did I until I tested it with ...

  assert( find("xxx", "abcdef") == -1);

The problem is that the expression ("xxx".length - "abcdef".length) is *not* a negative number. And thus it failed to exit the 'for' loop cleanly; instead it crashed with an ArrayBoundsError!

So now I've got ...

int find(dchar[] ToScan, dchar[] ToFind)
    if (ToScan.length == 0)
        return -1;

    if (ToFind.length == 0)
        return -1;

    if (ToFind.length > ToScan.length)
        return -1;

    for( int lPos = 0; lPos <= (ToScan.length - ToFind.length); lPos++)
        if (ToScan[lPos .. lPos + ToFind.length] == ToFind)
            return lPos;
    return -1;

Oh well, live and learn.

Derek Parnell
Melbourne, Australia
30/03/2005 10:34:52 AM